What GoGoSunshine Design Can Do For You

Saturday, July 30, 2011


I'm promise I'm not being lazy ^^. I've been busy getting ready to go back to school (which I have to go back a week early to help with international studuent orientations) as well as my building spree. I'm still afraid to try and upload in case I'm still having issues. I looked around the web as far my e-zine. I'm doing two now. One will be a mini one deadicated to all styles of my creations (I build and do interiors as well as create Sims for a wide range of taste because I like too know how to do as much as possible) however when I play personally it's something completely different. I always play with artsy/musician type Sims. They tend to work real jobs only to save and open art galleries, cafes, bars, etc. They are always goth, punl, cyberpunk, hard rock, bohemian, outcast types and my location of choice is Bridgeport (I use the other worlds to build all my normal traditional lots in).

With that said I'm doing my main magazine on sub/counter culture and the scene that my Sims live in. I haven't seen a e-zine like that. It will be all aspects of lifestyle but I don't want to give too many details. I also found an awesome site to host it on that allows it to function like a real magazine! I have a name for it but I'll reveal that when I'm done shooting for and have created the cover.

I've been playing alot, started a new family and they will be the feature of my new mag. Well I have to fire up Late Night so I can do some photoshoots for the front cover and feature stories.

P.S. I finally gave my drab blog a make-over. Its the same template from my real life fashion/life-style blog but I made an awesome new banner. The Sims featured in it are the two new Sims I'm playing with, Lydiah and Kaoru Kimura.

Also I learned how to DL cc and I've never been happier.

Well c-ya!

GoGoSunshine Founder and CEO of GoGoSunshine Designs